TEXT: I John 3:11-18
Introduction: I John 3:1-10
- The message of God is true from the beginning I John 3:11
- God inspired Genesis as well as all Scriptures II Timothy 3:16; Psalm 119:160; Genesis 1;1; Proverbs 8:23; Isaiah 40:21; 41:4, 26; 46:10; 48:3-5; Mark 10:6; Mark 13:19; Luke 1:2
- Jesus quoted from Genesis
- The New Testament inspired Scripture references Genesis often
- Wednesdayintheword.com 12 of the27 NT Books reference Genesis
- Creation.com 103 NT references to the book of Genesis
- The Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11 Many were people in the Genesis record
- Matthew 12:40
- The message of man’s hate is universal I John 3:12-15
- It has motivated murder since the first family Leviticus 35
- It has caused martyrs since the first spiritual dispute
- The prophets martyred for their faith including Abel Matthew 23:34-35
- Many of those in the Hall of Fame of Faith were martyrs Hebrews 11:3-4
- It is stated as characteristic of satan’s family, not God’s family John 8:44
- The message of God’s love is unique I John 3:16-18
- God’s love displayed is evidence of being His child John 13:34-35
- God’s love motivating loving deeds is a birth mark
- God’s love being lived out on earth is His message
- It is the embodiment of all His Word Matthew 22:37-40
- It is the royal law at the heart of the Scriptures James 2:8-9
- It is part of the end of God’s commandment I Timothy 1:5
- Action Points:
- How can you see the evidence of God’s love being experienced in your life?
- What birth marks of God’s family is being displayed in your life to others?
- Have you been guilty of doubting the authority & accuracy of any of God’s Word?