AM: “Expressing What You Have Experienced with God”

TEXT:  I John 3:11-18

Introduction:  I John 3:1-10

  1. The message of God is true from the beginning     I John 3:11
    1. God inspired Genesis as well as all Scriptures     II Timothy 3:16; Psalm 119:160; Genesis 1;1;  Proverbs 8:23;  Isaiah 40:21; 41:4, 26; 46:10; 48:3-5; Mark 10:6;  Mark 13:19; Luke 1:2
    2. Jesus quoted from Genesis
    3. The New Testament inspired Scripture references Genesis often
      1.     12 of the27 NT Books reference Genesis
      2.                              103 NT references to the book of Genesis
      3. The Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11     Many were people in the Genesis record
      4. Matthew 12:40
  2. The message of man’s hate is universal     I John 3:12-15
    1. It has motivated murder since the first family     Leviticus 35
    2. It has caused martyrs since the first spiritual dispute
      1. The prophets martyred for their faith including Abel     Matthew 23:34-35
      2. Many of those in the Hall of Fame of Faith were martyrs     Hebrews 11:3-4
    3. It is stated as characteristic of satan’s family, not God’s family     John 8:44
  3. The message of God’s love is unique     I John 3:16-18
    1. God’s love displayed is evidence of being His child     John 13:34-35
    2. God’s love motivating loving deeds is a birth mark
    3. God’s love being lived out on earth is His message
      1. It is the embodiment of all His Word     Matthew 22:37-40
      2. It is the royal law at the heart of the Scriptures     James 2:8-9
      3. It is part of the end of God’s commandment         I Timothy 1:5
  • Action Points:
    • How can you see the evidence of God’s love being experienced in your life?
    • What birth marks of God’s family is being displayed in your life to others?
    • Have you been guilty of doubting the authority & accuracy of any of God’s Word?