TEXT: MALACHI 1:1 – 4:6
- The Fear of the Lord is connected to the blessings of God Malachi 1:6-14
- The Nation of Israel failed to respect & honor God
- The God of Heaven rejected their worship of Him as God
- The Gentiles would understand the blessings of fearing the Lord
- When we do not fear God, then we should be fearful of God Malachi 2:1-9
- The Priests of Israel were warned about their duty
- The Levites were given a solemn role in Israel
- The priestly tribe of the Levites led God’s people to sin
- The fear of the Lord can help us to get right with God Malachi 3:1-6
- It helps us prepare to meet the Lord
- It helps us to be purified before the Lord
- It helps us to escape the judgment of the Lord
- Fearing the Lord can bring revival & deliverance from judgment Malachi 4:1-6
- God’s judgment will come against all wickedness
- The Fear of the Lord helps us to enjoy God’s healing
- The Fear of the Lord turns us from rebellion to obedience
Conclusion: I Corinthians 11:31-32; I Peter 4:17