Sermons by Pastor Franklin Humber (Page 46)

PM: “I Still Believe the Prophetic Fulfillment of the Incarnation”

Text: Micah 5:1-4 Introduction: Bethlehem It was understood from Prophecy where Messiah would come from  John 7:37-43 The Jewish people knew the ___________ about Christ coming The Jewish people were ____________ over who Jesus was The people have not _____________ over 2,000 years later The Prophecy is very clear about where ______________ would be born …

PM: “I Still Believe in the Eternal Security of the Believer”

Pastor Franklin Humber continues the series on “I Still Believe” Text: I John 4:9-14 Introduction: The first use of the word “everlasting”   Genesis 9:16; 17:7-8 The first use of the word “eternal”          Deuteronomy 33:27 Daniel referenced everlasting existence in the Old Testament    Daniel 12:2 Daniel spoke of everlasting for both…