If any born again Christian or any biblical church is going to move forward in a way that brings glory to God, then we must follow God. To follow God, it requires that God is in front of us and is guiding us in the way He wants us to go. The Bible gives us many examples of what it looks like for children of God individually or collectively to follow God. One of the greatest to me is the record of the deliverance of the Jews from the Egyptians found in Exodus. When God took His people through the wilderness, He led them with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. The cloud gave the protection and provision as they followed His leading and obeyed His direction. When the pillar stopped moving, the people set up camp and when the pillar began to move, it was time to break camp to move forward. If the people of God stayed when the pillar moved, they missed out on His protection and provision. If the people kept moving when the pillar stopped, then they were on their own to make their own way. The same is true for us today. As individual believers, we must follow God with the help of His Word and His Spirit guiding us in His will for our lives. If we lag behind God or get ahead of God, we miss out on His protection and provision in our lives. When we do that in our lives personally, then we bring that same negative influence into the church that we are taking part with in worship and ministry. As we practice lagging behind God’s leading or getting ahead of God’s will in our own lives, we bring that same attitude into the Lord’s church to hinder that church following the Lord as it’s Head. If we are going to follow God, then we must get our direction from His Word not from the ideas of others. If we are going to keep in step with our Head, then we must be filled with His Spirit and not our own personal agenda. In every decision that we make personally or as a church body, we must make it after much time in prayer and keeping ourselves sensitive to God’s Spirit with the help of the wisdom of God’s Word. When the leadership of the church asks the membership to pray about a decision, that is exactly what we expect them to do. Before the leadership presents a recommendation to the church to prayerfully consider, it has always been presented after much prayer and discussion and unity.