Continuing from last Wednesday’s study, we resume at point # 3:
III. God’s provision to cover man’s sin (Genesis. 3:21)
- Innocent sacrifice for the guilty sinner
- Substitute- taking the place of
- Vicarious- on behalf of another
- Death of the sacrifice to cover the curse of sin
- Shed blood of the sacrifice to cover the effects of sin
IV. God’s prophesied perfect sacrifice (Genesis 3:15)
- The seed of a woman no source in a mortal man (Galatians 4:4-5)
- The seed of the woman experiencing a bruised heel in a temporary suffering
- The seed of the woman bruising the head of the enemy of man permanently
- A permanent breaking of bondage of sin caused to man by Satan through the serpent
- A fatal blow to Satan’s control over sinner who will repent of their sins and trust in Christ
V. God’s promise to bless faith (Genesis 12)
- Believe His truth by faith (vv. 1-5; Romans 4:3, Galatians 3:6, James 2:23)
- Believe His provision by faith (v. 3)
- Believe His promise by faith (v. 7-9)
- A place to call home forever “Unto thy seed will I give this land”
- A place to worship God forever “there builded he an alter unto the Lord”
- A place in God’s family forever
- A place by believing and obeying His promise (I John 4:19, 9, Romans 5:8)