November 8, 2023
Truth About Our Representation as Believers in Christ. TEXT: II Cor. 5:17-21
Introduction: “Therefore” vv. 11-16
I. It begins with our salvation for any one v. 17
A. If you have entered into a personal relationship with Christ as Saviour. II Corinthians 5:14-15; Romans 5:12-18; I Corinthians 15:22; I Timothy 2:4-6
B. If you have been born again spiritually by faith in Christ
C. If you have been made new in Christ as a child of God
II. It continues with our sanctification for every believer vv. 17-18
A. Putting off the old things and putting on the new things
“…old things are passed away; …” Ephesians 4:22-25; Colossians 3:7-17
B. Growing in holiness in all things through the Holy Spirit. “…behold, all things are become new.”
C. Submitting to God in all areas of life to His glory. “And all things are of God…”
D. Staying in close fellowship with your Heavenly Father. “…who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ,…”
III. It culminates with our surrender for each believer vv. 18-20
A. Our surrender to the ministry we have been given
B. Our surrender to the word we have believed in
C. Our surrender to the role we have been entrusted with
1. It is a present tense role we have been entrusted with “now then”
2. It is a standing stated role we have been entrusted with “we are”
3. It is a representing role we have been entrusted with “ambassadors”
4. It is a rightful role we have been entrusted with “for Christ”
>Christ has the right to ask this of us
>Christ has the reasonable expectation of this from us
>Christ has the authority to require this of us
IV. It is critical in our service to prepare for accountability v. 21
A. Our accountability for what God made possible
B. Our accountability for what Jesus paid a high price for
C. Our accountability for what we benefit eternally by