TEXT:  GENESIS 16:1-16

I. When we do God’s work our way we mess things up (v. 1-3)
A. The plans of humans are never better than God’s plan
B. It is a mistake to follow the plans of people instead of waiting on God
C. God declared the problem they created for their future son (v. 12)

II. When we deal with our sinfulness our way we mess up (vv. 4-11)
A. Sarah despised Hagar for her own disobedient decision (vv. 4-5)
B. Abraham declined to lead his family due to his own weakness (vv. 5-6)
C. The Lord stood up for what was right when no one else did (vv. 7-11) Genesis 12:1-9, 13:14-18, 15:4-18, 17:1-11

III. When we obey and honor God we benefit from His fulfilled truth (vv. 13-16)

A. God promised Abraham would bring forth a nation and then nations (Genesis 12:2; 17:5-6)
B. God promised His people their land forever (Genesis 13:15, 15:18; 17:7-8)
C. God promised His people they would have struggles in their land (Genesis 16:12)
D. God promised to protect His people (Genesis 12:2-3)
E. God promised to bless all nations through His people (Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; 28:14 and it began in Genesis 30:27, 30; 39:5)