November 5, 2023
The Study of Christ.  TEXT: Matthew 16:13-20

  • Introduction: vv. 13-16 “the Christ”
    • The first use of the phrase “the Christ”.
    • The One and Only.
    • Singular, alone, exclusive.  Matthew 26:63; Mark 8:29; 14:61; Luke 3:15; 9:20; 22:67; John 1:20, 41; 3:28; 4:29,42; 7:41; 10:24; 11:27; 20:31; I John 2:22; 5:1
  1. Jesus accepted the identity declared by Peter about Him.  Matthew 16:16.
    1. Thou art.
    2. The Christ.
    3. The Son of God.
      1. The only incarnate Son.  Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:27-38.
      2. The only begotten Son.   John 1:14, 18; 3:15,18; Hebrews 11:17; 1 John 4:9.
      3. The only Eternal Son.      John 17:24; 1 Peter 1:20; Proverbs 30:3-6.
      4. The only divine Son.        John 1:14-18; Philippians 2:5-8.
    4. The Living God.
  2. Jesus declared God the Father being the source of his information.  Matthew 16:17
    1. Jesus did not deny Peter’s declaration.
    2. Jesus confirmed Peter’s declaration as not originating with man.
    3. Jesus confirmed Peter’s declaration crediting it from God.
  3. Jesus identified the truth of who He was to be the foundation of His church.  Matthew 16:18-19
    1. The truth of who Jesus is as the rock upon which He is still building His church.
    2. The rock is Jesus, the foundation of the Lord’s church, not Peter himself.  1 Corinthians 3:10-12; Ephesians 2:18-22.
    3. The church is His, not man’s, and it is His to build, not man’s.
  4. Jesus restated the same truth of who He was as Peter had.  Matthew 16:17, 20
    1. Jesus blessed Simon for this declaration, He did not correct Peter.
    2. Jesus declared Simon knew this truth from His Father in Heaven, not Peter’s Father.
    3. Jesus re-stated Simon’s declaration about Himself, He did not change it.