February 25, 2024 TEXT: Exodus 12:1-17
BAPTIST Distinctives:
Bible is the Sole Authority for Faith and Practice
Autonomy of Individual Biblical Churches
Priesthood of the True Believer in Jesus Christ
Two Ordinances of Biblical Churches; Baptism and the Lord’s Table
Individual Soul Liberty of the Born-again Believer in Jesus Christ
Separation of Biblical Churches from the world, form the government, from unbiblical churches.
Two Offices of Biblical Churches; Pastors and Deacons
Introduction: Exodus 12:14, 17; Exodus 12:24; Exodus 15:25; Leviticus 18:30; Ezra 3:10; Romans 13:2; I Peter 2:13.
What an ordinance is and is not…
I. The Lord’s Supper, the Lord’s Table, or Communion (Luke 22:14-23; I Corinthians 11:17-34)
A. Only to be taken properly by true believers.
B. Only to be taken properly as a church body.
C. Only to be taken properly in a right standing with the Lord.
1. After Scriptural Salvation
2. After Scriptural Baptism
3. After Personal Examination (I Cor. 11:27-30)
II. Biblical Believer’s Baptism or Scriptural Baptism (Matthew 28:18-20)
A. It is only for true believers in Jesus Christ as Saviour (v. 19); (Acts 2:38-39, 41, 8:12, 10:47-48, 16:15; Romans 6:1-11)
B. It is only by immersion under water after Salvation.
1. Following Jesus’ example (Matthew 3:13-17)
2. Picturing Jesus’ payment for their sins (Acts 8:36-38)
C. It is only by God’s authority (v. 18) (Acts 19:3-5)