May 12, 2024
TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 3:1-13
Introduction: Philippians 1:1 “The biblical church is to be pastor led, deacon served & member supported. All under the Lord as its head & controlled by the Holy Spirit”
- The Lord is the head of His church 1 Tim 3:5,13
- He is the authority Eph 1:22-23
- He is the goal Eph 4:15
- He is the Saviour Eph 6:23-24
- He is Preeminent Col 1:15-21
- The pastor is the leader for the Lord’s church 1 Tim 3:1-7
- As a bishop of the Lord’s church selected by God
- As a shepherd under the Chief Shepherd
- The elder is the office of responsibility
- The elder is the office of being an example
- The elder is the office of greater accountability
- The elder is the office of authority
- The elder is the office of mutual submission
- As an example to follow as he follows the Lord Himself
- The deacon is the helper to the pastor & church family 1 Tim 3:8-13; Acts 6:3-6
- The deacon is similar to the pastor as a helper
- The deacon is to be respectable and respected
- The deacon is to be able to use Scripture to help others
- the deacon is to be proven faithful over time
- The deacon is to have only one godly wife
- The deacon is to fulfill the office responsibilities well.