Text: Proverbs 9:1-18
Introduction: Proverbs 1:20-33
- The Contrast
- Two different life choices ~ God’s wisdom is contrasted with man’s foolishness Proverbs 9:1, 9:6
- God’s wisdom
- Man’s foolishness
- Two different reactions ~ Proverbs 9:7-10
- Rebellion
- Reception
- Reason
- Two different results ~ Proverbs 9:6, 9:10, 9:17
- Repentance for wisdom
- Deception for the foolish
- Two different outcomes ~ Proverbs 9:6, 9:11, 9:18
- Life better
- Death & Destruction
- Two different life choices ~ God’s wisdom is contrasted with man’s foolishness Proverbs 9:1, 9:6
- The Comparison ~ Proverbs 9:3-5, 9:12, 9:14-17
- The appeal is the same
- The availability is the same
- The result is personally experienced
- The Conclusion
- God makes His truth available to us all
- We make our choice of what we do with it
- We experience the result of our choices