TEXT: JAMES 2:1-13
I. God’s love is to be shown genuinely and equally JAMES 2:1-4
- Because God shows His love to each of us equally (v. 1)
- Because we are all poor and needy before God (v. 2)
- Because we are all the same before God (v. 3)
- Because God is the judge of all of us (v. 4)
II. God’s love honors others, not dishonors them JAMES 2:5-7
- God’s people should follow God’s example in their behavior (v. 5)
- God’s people should honor those that God honors in their behavior (v. 6)
- God’s people should not blaspheme His name in their behavior (v. 7)
III. God’s love motivates us to fulfill God’s will JAMES 2:8-13
- Fulfilling the royal law of God to love others (vv. 8-9)
- Being redeemed by the only one who fulfilled God’s law for us (vv. 10-11)
C. Preparing us for our accountability to the Lord based on His Word (vv. 12-13)
- Action Points:
- What difference do I need to let God make in my life today in order to honor God more.
- What is God’s Word motivating me to do in my treatment of others for His glory.