TEXT: Hosea 14:1-9
I. A call to repentance Hosea 14:1-3
- Turn to the Lord as your own God personally (vv. 1-2)
- Turn to Him originally in Salvation
- Return to Him truly as your God genuinely following Him in Sanctification
- Both involve confession from your heart to God
- Turning away from idols of our heart we have trusted in over God (v. 3)
- Finding God to be the best solution to our greatest need (v. 3e)
II. A promise to remember Hosea 14: 4-7
- A promise to heal what was injured (v. 4a)
- A promise to love what was made unlovely (v. 4b)
- A promise to change the emotional experience of our relationship (v. 4c)
- A promise to restore God’s blessings that were hindered by our sin (vv. 5-7)
III. A commitment to continue in renewal. Hosea 14:8,9
- To continue walking with the true God not to turn to false gods again v. 8a
- To continue seeking the Lord for His work in me (v. 8b)
- Seeking God in His Word
- Seeking God in prayer to Him
- Seeking God with the help of His Spirit filling me
- Seeking God with the help of godly, spiritually mature, mentors God has given
- To continue walking with God in His ways (v. 9)
- Gaining His wisdom
- Benefitting from His understanding
- Growing in knowing His truth
- Doing what is right in His eyes
- Avoiding the deception of sin more in the future