TEXT: John 6:35-53
- We can only benefit from God’s everlasting life His Way John 6:35-40
- We must come to Him in submission
- We must believe in Him and on Him for foregiveness
- We must respond to God’s work in our hearts
- We must be like Jesus in doing the Will of the Father
- Jesus submitted to the Father’s Will for Him as Saviour
- Jesus will not lose any that the Father saves & gives to Him
- Everyone that will listen to the Word of God
- Everyone that responds to the working of God in their heart
- Everyone that will look on Jesus for what He has done
- Everyone that will believe on Jesus for everlasting life – John 10:27-31; 17:12; 18:9; Col 3:3-4: 1 Peter 1:3-5; Jude 1
- Not everyone will accept the truth of Who Jesus is John 6:41-44
- Some will not accept because of their religious deceptions
- Some will not accept because of their secular confusions
- Some will not accept because of their resistance to God
- Jesus is Who He is, no matter what anyone says John 6:45-51
- He is exactly Who the prophets said He would be
- He is the only One who can give anyone everlasting life
- He is the True Bread from Heaven who gives eternal life
- Action Points:
- Are you confident that you have received God’s eternal life God’s way through God’s Son?
- What can you do in your life to help ensure you are not confused or deceived about Jesus?
- What more do you need to do in your life to make sure you are believing truth?