PM: “God uses revival in His people to reach a nation”

This evening is the Annual Business Meeting.

We are linking a “best of” sermon for those who would like to watch and listen.


  1. God works in His children to experience revival personally  Jonah 3:1
    1. God sent His Word to His child   Jonah 1:1-3
    2. God sent His storm to His child  Jonah 1:4, 9-11
    3. God sent His fish to His child      Jonah 1:17
    4. God sent His grace to His child     Jonah 2:1-10
  2. God works on His children to facilitate His call to revival    Jonah 3:2-4
    1. God’s call to His child did not change
    2. God’s call to HIs children has not changed
    3. God’s call to His will for all His children will never change     Matthew 28:18-20
      1. To live in obedience to Him for His glory on earth
      2. To go to the lost to show His love to them
      3. To proclaim His Word to others
      4. To call sinners to repentance & honor to God
      5. To grow new believers in His truth unto maturity & fruitfulness     Mark 16:15-16;  Luke 24:47-48;  John 20:21;  Acts 1:8
  3. God works in His children to produce revival on earth    Jonah 3:6-9
    1. As His children resist His will, God works on them to repent individually
    2. As His child obeys His will, God works through them to reach others
    3. As HIs child is used of God to reach others, He works in others for His glory
  4. God works His will on earth through His obedient children      Jonah 3:10
    1. His will of His kingdom work being done on earth     2 Peter 3:9-10
    2. His will of His Word being sown all around the world     I Timothy 2:3-7
    3. His will of His Gospel being heard by the lost     Romans 10:13-18
      1. So it can impact their lives into conviction
      2. So it can impact their lives unto convincing
      3. So it can impact their lives unto confession
      4. So it can impact their lives unto conversion