This evening is the Annual Business Meeting. We are linking a “best of” sermon for those who would like to watch and listen. TEXT: JONAH 3 God works in His children to experience revival personally Jonah 3:1 God sent His Word to His child Jonah 1:1-3 God sent His storm to His child Jonah 1:4,…
TEXT: JONAH 3 God works in His children to experience revival personally Jonah 3:1 God sent His Word to His child Jonah 1:1-3 God sent His storm to His child Jonah 1:4, 9-11 God sent His fish to His child Jonah 1:17 God sent His grace to His child Jonah 2:1-10 God…
Evangelist Randy Chovan preaching from Jonah, part 2 of the series begun on Thursday, October 28, 2021 “Never underestimate the power of God to change lives” Message of God’s Warning God always warns before judgement Message of God’s Waiting 40 days Note God’s patience & longsuffering See also Lamentations 3:22 and I Peter 3:20 The…
Join us as Evangelist Randy Chovan challenges us from Jonah in exercising “submission” to the Lord in order to be effective missionaries at home or abroad. Text: Jonah 1:1 – 4:11
TEXT: JONAH 2:1-10; JONAH 3:1-10 The context of his prayer Jonah 2:1,2 After his disobedience to God’s Will Within his personal relationship with his God During the consequences of his sinful rebellion While he was suffering the chastening of his God The content of his prayer Jonah 2:3-9 He speaks of his…
Text: Jonah 2:1-10 Missionary to Eurasia, Mike Alexander, speaks on Jonah’s call to the worst place on earth at that time, Nineveh. The greatest revival of the Old Testament happened at the center of the worst place in the world. Three things we must do to answer the call God has placed in our lives:…
Matt Cook, missionary appointee to Australia tells of his proposed mission field. From Jonah and Acts 9 he compares highlights from the lives of Jonah and Ananias.
Church Planter, Adam Pearlstein discusses the “Faith of Jonah” Jonah is not an example for us to follow! What God told Jonah to do Jonah 1:1,2 Jonah’s Response Jonah 1:3 Jonah’s Reckoning Jonah 1:4 The Great Fish Prepared Jonah 1:17 Jonah’s Revival Jonah 2:1-10 Jonah obey’s Jonah 3:1-4 Ninevah’s Revival …