Text: John 21:1-14
- Jesus manifested His love in completing His mission
- He left heaven John 17:5-6, 24; I John 4:9
- He lived on earth in human form without sin I Timothy 3:16; I John 1:2
- He let Himself be crucified so that He could rise from the dead Romans 3:21; I John 3:5-8
- Jesus confirms His love in manifesting Himself to His followers John 21:14
- First to Mary Magdalene in the garden near the tomb Mark 16:9-11
- Then to Cleopas and another disciple on the road to Emmaus later the same day Luke 24:13-36
- Then to all of the disciples except Thomas later that same day in the evening John 20:19-25
- Then to all of the disciples including Thomas the following Sunday John 20:26-29
- Here He is manifesting Himself to the disciples again in Galilee John 21:14
- According to Paul, over five hundred of Jesus’ followers saw Him after His resurrection I Corinthians 15:1-7
- Jesus affirmed His love in confronting their disobedience
- The power of persuasion John 21:3
- The priority of obedience John 21:4-5
- Jesus had already given His mission to them Luke 5:8-11
- Jesus was still walking on the earth and teaching truth
- Jesus did not rebuke them, but He did exhort them (after He confronted them) John 21:5; 15:5
- The provision of Jesus’ love John 21:6-13
- Jesus provided fish for them, because of His love for them
- Jesus provided that their net remained whole, because of His love for them
- Jesus provided a meal for them, because of His love for them.