Wednesday PM: “Hezekiah’s Prayer for Healing”

Text:  II Kings 20:1-6

  1. Sickness and death are part of the human ______________
    1. Everyone deals with _______________ in this physical life
    2. Everyone will enter eternity, and most by death     Hebrews 9:27; Psalm 39:4; Psalm 90:12
    3. Everyone _____________________ this the same since the fall of man into sin     Romans 5:12, 17-19
  2. God does respond to our prayers as we ask them
    1. When we face the sorrows of life, we should pray to the Lord     I Peter 5:7
    2. When we pray to the Lord, we should expect Him to hear and respond     Jeremiah 33:3
    3. When we pray to the Lord, we should not expect our will to be done     James 5:14-15; James 1:5-8; Matthew 21:22; I Timothy 2:8;  Hebrews 11:6
      1. God knows what is best for us and others
      2. God knows what is coming in the future, we do not
      3. God knows what is best for His will to be accomplished on earth
  3. God’s Word should be enough for us to believe
    1. We need to believe what God’s Word says
      1. God’s Word says Hezekiah was sick unto death
      2. God’s Word says that God extended Hezekiah’s life in response to his prayer
      3. God’s Word says God gave Hezekiah the sign he asked for
    2. We should not make up stories to try to support what God’s Word says
      1. There is a story about NASA computer engineers finding a missing day in 1970
      2. A similar story was circulated in 1930
      3. That story was based on a book published in 1890!
    3. The focus is on the sun dial and the shadow, but God can do what He wants
      1. We are not told what kind of sun dial
      2. We are not told how God made this happen
      3. We ARE TOLD that the shadow on the sun dial moved back 10 degrees
  4. God’s perfect will is always best for everyone
    1. We need to submit our prayers to God’s Will
      1. Jesus taught His disciples to pray for God’s Will to be done     Matthew 6:1; Luke 11:12
      2. Jesus did this in the garden prayer before His arrest and crucifixion     Matthew 26:42
      3. Submitting our prayers to God’s Will is NOT a lack of faith
    2. We need to use God’s blessings for His glory, not our own
    3. We need to realize that God’s best is ultimately the best for us all

Dig a little deeper:  Look up  and Answers In Genesis