“Rooted and Built Up to be Stable and Secure in Christ”
Text: Jude 24-25
Introduction: Colossians 2:6,7
- As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord
- -By faith
- -Through the work of the Holy Spirit
- -Based on the truth of God’s Word
- So live in Christ Jesus the Lord for God’s glory
- -Walk daily in Him
- -Root down in Him
- -Build up in Him
- Being rooted and built up in Christ and stablished ….
- The first two leads to the third
- A good foundation down and a good building up gives a firm life
- Being stablished cause us to experience stability
- Mark 16:20; Romans 15:8; I Corinthians 1:6, 8
- II Corinthians 1:21; Hebrews 2:3; Hebrews 13:8, 9
- Stablished in what?
- Stablished in the faith
- Grounded in the faith
- Settled in the faith I Peter 5:10-11
- Not moved away from the faith I Cor. 15:57-58
- Made sure of your hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ Col. 1:23
- Stablished in faith in Christ Romans 16:25-27
- Stablished in the faith makes us firm in our faith II Thess. 2:16-17
- Stablished in the faith
- Stablished by being taught
- Being taught in the Word of God I Peter 2:1-2
- Being taught by the Holy Spirit John 16:12-15
- Being taught by a truthful teacher II Peter 3:17-18
- Action Points:
- Stay engaged in worship
- Avoid distractions
- Grow in Grace
- Be Teachable