Text: Genesis 1 and John 1
- In the beginning before time began Genesis 1:1
- Before time was, God existed in eternity
- Before anything was, God was and always had been John 17:14
- Before creation was, the Creator was
- God gives an explanation of origin
- God gives a source of organization
- God gives a purpose for our existence
- God gives an understanding of our destination
- Before salvation was needed, the Savior was John 1:1-4, 14
- God exists eternally Proverbs 8:23; Isaiah 63:16; Micah 4:2; Habakkuk 1:12
- God is without beginning or ending Psalm 41:13; 90:2
- In eternity beyond our experience
- Eternally present Hebrews 11:6
- Eternally powerful Acts 4:24
- God wants us to live eternally with Him I John 4:10-12
- God created us for relationship, and He desires it eternally
- God created us for worship, and He desires it eternally
- God created a way for us to be with Him eternally
- Action Point:
- Is the true, living, eternal, all powerful God of the Bible your God?
- Have you entered into a personal, eternal relationship with Him by the only way He provided?
- Are you relating to Him intimately and honorably as He desires you to and enjoying His blessings in your life?