July 21, 2024
TEXT: 1 Corinthians 9:14-27
Introduction: Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should do it!
>Just because we have the right doesn’t mean we should exercise it.
>Just because we have the liberty doesn’t mean we should use it. Psalm 110:45; Isaiah 61:1; Romans 8:21; 1 Cor 8:9; 2 Cor. 3:17; Gal 5:1, 13; James 1:25; 1 Peter 2:16; 2 Peter 2:19
>Just because we have the desire doesn’t mean we should satisfy it.
I. Our rights should not control us, only God (vv. 14-18)
A. Paul had a right to expect compensation for ministry (v. 14)
B. God gave him a calling not to depend on man’s resources (v. 15)
C. Paul was committed to doing God’s work God’s way not man’s (vv. 16-18)
1. He did it willingly because it was the will of God for him
2. He did it faithfully because he was trusting God fully
3. He did it obediently because he was fully submitted to God
II. We make ourselves do what really matters to us (vv. 19-23)
A. Our motives are seen in our willingness to be a servant (v. 19a)
B. Our priorities are manifested in what truly matters to us (vv. 19c-22)
C. Our actions truly display the desires of our heart (v. 23)
III. Achieving anything important requires discipline (vv. 24-27)
A. Winning a race requires discipline (v. 24)
B. Effort is essential in achievement over challenges (v. 25) (Luke 13:24; John 18:36; Colossians 1:29; 4:12; I Timothy 6:12; II Timothy 4:7)
C. Success in anything requires certainty in what you are doing (v. 26)
D. Controlling our flesh is necessary to stay faithful spiritually (v. 27)