July 17, 2024
TEXT: Nehemiah 1
I. The cause for fasting and prayer (vv. 1-3)
A. The situation he was in
1. He was a slave in a foreign land
2. He was in the palace but as a servant
3. He was a Jew in an Arab nation
B. The burden he had for others
1. He was burdened for the condition of his homeland
2. He was burdened for those in Jerusalem
3. He was burdened for the wellbeing of others
C. The desire he had for God’s glory
1. He had a desire for God to be glorified in His city
2. He had a desire for God to be honored in Jerusalem
3. He had a desire for God’s people to be safe in the city of His promises
II. The practice of fasting and prayer (vv. 4-6)
A. It is practiced in brokenness over the situation before God
1. Weeping
2. Mourning
3. Sorrowing
B. It is practiced in private alone before God
1. Alone with God personally
2. Others may do it at the same time, but it is still personal
3. Humbling ourselves before the Lord seeking His will for our lives
C. It is practiced to be present before God more
1. Spending more time in prayer by not doing other things (v. 6)
* He was praying before the Lord
*He was praying day and night at different times
*He was praying much and often instead of doing other things he would usually be doing at those times
2. Being more serious with God about prayer by not doing other things
3. Getting more intimate with God by not letting other things be distracting
III. The result of fasting and prayer (vv. 5-11)
A. Us being cleaner before God
1. By confessing our sin to God
2. By repenting of our sin unto God
3. By admitting our need before God
B. Us coming closer to God
1. By turning away from the world more
2. By bringing physical desires more under His control
3. By yielding to Him and His glory more in my life
C. Us hearing clearer the voice of God
1. By listening more attentively with less distractions
2. By making ourselves more attentive to God’s voice
3. By being more receptive to God’s voice over the flesh’s desires
D. Us seeing clearer the will of God
1. His direction for our lives
2. His purpose for our situation
3. His power to do His work