AM: “I Still Believe in True Friendship”

Text: John 15:1-17

  1. True Friendship requires connection.  V.1-5
    1. Friendship with Jesus
    2. Friendship with others
      1. Connection of interest; life stage; purpose/cause/passion
  2. True Friendship requires a level of agreement
    1. Agreement with God and His commandments.   V. 10
    2. Agreement with Christ & His Words & Will.           V. 7
    3. Agreement with one another on important matters.   V. 7
  3. True friendship requires love for each other                   V. 9-17
    1. Love received & given on a personal level.            V. 9
    2. Love experienced and abiding constantly.             V. 10
    3. Love expressed & shared regularly.                        V. 12
    4. Love that sacrifices for another.                               V. 13
    5. Love that is offered willingly & graciously.              V. 17
  4. True friendship requires a level of commitment.             V. 14-16
    1. Commitment to action that benefits others.          V. 14
    2. Commitment to intimate understanding of others.  V. 15
    3. Commitment to aiding one another.                        V. 16
  5. True friendship results in enjoyment together.                 V. 11
    1. Jesus’ joy in us.
    2. Our joy is fuller than it would be on our own
    3. All based on His Word to us.


  1. Do you have the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour?
  2. If you do, are you making Him your best friend?
  3. Are you being a good & Godly friend to others?
  4. Are you sharing Jesus with your friends?
  5. Are you avoiding being a negative friend?