February 2, 2025
TEXT:  John 15:1-17

I. Jesus is the source of spiritual life (vv. 1-2)
A. Jesus is the vine that gives life to us (v. 1a)
B. God is the husbandman making it all possible for us (v. 1b)
C. We are the branches receiving life from Jesus (v. 2)

II. God’s Word cleans us through His truth working in us (vv. 3-5)
A. God’s inspired Word has God’s power to clean our lives (v. 3; Hebrews 4:12-13)
B. We cannot bear spiritual fruit apart from Christ’s life in us (v. 4)
C. Without Christ in our life we cannot display spiritual fruit (v. 5)

III. God wants us to continue experiencing the benefit of His love (vv. 6-9)
A. Not being yielded to Christ in our life results in judgment (v. 6)
B. Being yielded to Christ helps our prayers be effective (v. 7a)
C. Letting God’s Word work in us helps us be yielded to Christ (v. 7b)
D. God is glorified by our fruitfulness in being obedient to Him (vv. 8-9)

IV. We have been commanded to display God’s love to others (vv. 10-17)
A. Obediently following the example Jesus set for His followers (v. 10)
B. Fully enjoying the benefits of God’s love for us as His children (v. 11)
C. Jesus has shown us how to display God’s love (vv. 12-13)
D. Obedience is the key to staying close to the Lord in our life (vv. 14-15)
E. Jesus has commanded all of His followers to love one another (vv. 16-17)