Jan. 29, 2024
TEXT: James 4:1-17
I. The problem we need to address vss. 1-5
A. The disharmony our flesh creates in life vs. 1
B. The destruction our flesh causes in life vs. 2
C. The deception our flesh cause in life vs. 3
D. The dereliction our flesh causes in life vs. 4
E. The dissatisfaction our flesh causes in life vs. 5
II. The solution we need to receive vss. 6-8
A. We need to benefit from God’s grace vs. 6a
B. We need to humble ourselves before God vs. 6b
C. We need to submit ourselves unto God, not Satan vs. 7
D. We need to draw close to God and away from the world vs. 8a
E. We need to receive forgiveness and cleansing from the Lord vs. 8b
III. The actions we need to take vss, 9-12
A. Brokenness over sinfulness vs. 9
B. Humility before the Lord vs. 10
C. Graciousness with one another vs. 11
D. Submissiveness to the Lawgiver vs. 12
III. The sensitivity we need to gain vss. 13-17
A. Not presuming about tomorrow vs. 13
B. But remembering the brevity of life vs. 14
C. But submitting our plans to God’s will vs. 15
D. Not rejoicing when we should be mourning vs. 16
E. But realizing that failing to do the good we know to do is sin vs. 17