Oct. 23, 2024 TEXT: Mark 9:14-29 I. Causes of powerlessness (vv. 14-19) A. Faithlessness (v. 19) B. Perverseness (Matthew 17:17) C. Remoteness 1. Not walking with the Lord 2. Not abiding in Christ (John 15:4-8) 3. Not letting His Word abide in you (Colossians 3:16) II. Results of powerlessness (vv. 17-18, 20-22) A. Destruction of…
Pastor LLoyd Read TEXT Mark 6
PASTOR LLOYD READ PREACHES FROM MARK 6, reminding listeners that God builds the church and for workers to remain faithful.
TEXT: Mark 2:1-12 Matthew 9:1-8, Luke 5:17-26 Introduction: Series Theme Scripture Proverbs 11:30-31 I. Don’t miss the individual because of the crowd (vv. 1-4) A. When we look at the masses of people in need it can be overwhelming 1. Jesus ministered to masses of people, but never lost sight of individuals 2. Jesus had crowds…
Missionary to Alaska, John Pinnix “His Last Command Should be Our Greatest Concern” Mark 16
Missionary Pat Russell speaks on the “Storms of Life” Text: Mark 4:35
Brother Greg Adams, former youth pastor and currently speaker for Bridge City Ministries speaking on the family and life. Text: Mark 8:34-38 What will you accomplish with your life? We only have one chance to accomplish anything. Cannot split our lives Pleasing God or Pleasing self James – no man can serve 2 masters. To…
Reviewing the story of Jesus rebuking the wind and the sea, Pastor Steve Flippo encourages viewers to give God complete control of our lives. Text: Mark 4:35-41
Text: Mark 4:38