Brother Greg Adams, former youth pastor and currently speaker for Bridge City Ministries speaking on the family and life.
Text: Mark 8:34-38
What will you accomplish with your life? We only have one chance to accomplish anything.
- Cannot split our lives
- Pleasing God or Pleasing self
- James – no man can serve 2 masters.
- Pleasing God or Pleasing self
- To keep your life is to lose it
- Deny self – Luke 15; I Cor 6:19
- God weeds out the sin and sinner – Matthew 15:13
- God wants to bless us – Psalm 37
- To give your life is to gain it V. 35
- We will be rewarded in this life as well as in eternity – Mark 10:29-31
- What are we holding on to? – Romans 12:1,2; I Peter 4:1,2