God With Us

That has a great sound to it, doesn’t it? “God with us” is a wonderful reality to enjoy. This is what God created His creation for, to be with Him. His purpose was for Him to be able to enjoy being together with His creation. God created mankind to enjoy being in His creation with Him. God designed man to fellowship in communion with Him and with everything He had created. And that design, I believe, worked splendidly until mankind introduced sin into God’s creation by their willful disobedience against God. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, it not only caused them to be uncomfortable with God, but also with each other, and the rest of creation. What once was in perfect harmony was now disrupted and destroyed by the presence of something foreign to what God created, purpose, and designed. Mankind did not stay within the purpose and design of the Creator; therefore, everything in His creation suffered. There was not only disharmony between mankind and their Creator, there was also disharmony between each facet of God’s creation. Death, destruction, deterioration, and disease had been introduced into God’s creation by mankind’s sin and everything changed from harmony and communion to disharmony and conflict. Mankind hid from God instead of fellowshipping with Him. Eve was not the same help meet for Adam through her sin and Adam now was blaming her for his decision to sin instead of cleaving to her. Now the earth was no longer going to cooperate easily with mankind in dressing it and keeping it. Now the other aspects of God’s creation would not be in harmony with mankind but would become adversarial with mankind. Thankfully, God did not leave mankind on his own to deal with the mess they had made of God’s creation. God made a way for Adam and Eve to have a level of harmony with Him once again although not quite the same. It would cost the sacrifice of an animal in death. Today, we are still dealing with the result of sin being introduced into God’s creation. Today, we can enjoy fellowship with God because of the sacrifice of His Son, who came to be with us as one of us in order to die for us as our sacrifice for our sins. But one day, God will make all things new, including our perfect harmony with Him in His perfect creation once again. One day God will be with us and we will be with Him in a perfect way without any effects of sin in His creation ever again.

One day “God with us” will be physical forever perfectly. “What a day that will be!”