Sept. 11, 2024
TEXT: Joel 2:12-17
Therefore vss. 1-11 avoiding God’s judgement through repentance and restoration
I. God’s call to genuine repentance (vv. 12-13)
A. Turn to me
B. Rend your heart
C. Turn to the LORD (Joel 1:13-20)
II. God’s commitment to respond (vv. 13-14)
A. God is gracious
B. God is merciful
C. God is patient
D. God is kind
E. God is returning
III. Calling people to turn to God (vv. 15-17)
A. Publicly calling all people to turn to God (v. 15)
B. Inviting individuals to gather themselves together before God (v. 16)
C. Challenging spiritual leaders to lead people to turn to God (v. 17)
1. Ministers of the Lord ought to lead people to the Lord
2. Shepherds of the Lord’s people ought to pray for His people
3. God’s people should know where God is and how to connect with Him