Introduction: The goal of this lesson is to explain what the new believer has just experienced for
their strength and knowledge.
“What you have experienced in salvation is the greatest thing to ever happen to
you. Before you were saved, you were a human with a depraved and sinful nature
apart from God. You were destined and doomed for hell. Today, however, you
are a new creature, you are regenerated, quickened, born again. One choice
changed everything related to your life and soul. How did it happen?”
Why would this be important for a new believer in Christ to learn and understand?
Let’s see what Christ said about it himself in John 3:1-18
I. The declaration of the new birth (vv. 1-3)
A. We see a sinner
1. Nicodemus had to see himself as a sinner just like we did
2. Nicodemus had to see that he could not make himself right with God
3. Nicodemus had to see his own need of Jesus as his Saviour just like we did
B. We see a Saviour
1. Nicodemus had to see Jesus as more than just another man like himself
2. Nicodemus had to see Jesus as more than just of teacher of God like himself
3. Nicodemus had to see Jesus as more than coming from God
4. Nicodemus had to see Jesus was God not merely God was with Him
C. We see salvation
1. It is a salvation every person needs
2. It is a salvation every person needs to see God’s kingdom in their life
3. It is a salvation every person needs to become part of God’s kingdom

II. The explanation of the new birth (vv. 4-14)
A. Spiritual truth must be explained to those who are spiritually dead (v. 4)
1. Even if they are religious but lost
2. Even if they are morally good but lost
3. Even if they are trained in Scripture but lost
B. The explanation of two different births (vv. 5-7)
C. The explanation of new birth to be delivered from death (vv. 8-14)
1. The explanation of spiritual truth with earthly awareness (v. 8)
2. The explanation of what they do not understand to help in understanding (vv. 9-11)
3. The explanation with the help of what they do understand (v. 12)
4. The explanation of spiritual truth that identifies Jesus as Saviour and God (v. 13;John 20:28; Titus 2:11-15)
5. The explanation of spiritual truth with the help of historical facts (v. 14)

III. The presentation of the new birth (vv. 15-18)
A. It is presented to everyone and anyone (v. 15)

B. It is received by faith alone in Jesus alone (v. 16)
C. It gives whoever receives it eternal life when they receive it (v. 16)
D. It is offered by God the Father through giving His only begotten Son (v. 17)
E. It is rejected by choosing not to believe in Jesus as personal Saviour (v. 18)