February 14, 2024
TEXT: Psalm 5
I. The Preparations of Biblical Worship (v. 1-6)
A. Talking to the Lord to get ready for worship (v. 1)
1. Speaking words to God that He will hear
2. Thinking about things in our heart and mind that He will bless
B. Seeking the Lord to get ready for worship (v. 2)
1. Seeking to be right with God in prayer—“the voice of my cry”
2. Seeking to be connected with God in prayer—“my King, and my God”
3. Seeking to be focused on God in prayer—“unto thee will I pray”
C. Worshipping the Lord personally to get ready for worship corporately (v. 3)
1. In the morning beginning my day with you each day
2. Each morning directing my attention to you through the week
3. Personally looking up to the Lord daily in worship
II. The Hindrances of Biblical Worship (vv. 4-7)
A. Wickedness does not please the Lord (v. 4a)
B. Evil is not able to be present with the Lord (v. 4b)
C. Foolishness is not able to stand before the Lord (v. 5a)
D. Iniquity is not accepted by the Lord (v. 5b)
E. Deceitfulness will be judged by the Lord (v. 6)
F. Those who honor the Lord in His mercy can worship Him (v. 7)
1. Come into His house by His mercy
2. Come into His presence by His provision for my sins
3. Come unto Him for His forgiveness and cleansing
4. Come unto His worship in honor and reverence unto Him
5. Come unto Him in His holiness as His temple to worship in His house
III. The Results of Biblical Worship (vv. 8-12)
A. The leading of the Lord in our lives (vv. 8-9)
1. The Lord leading us in His righteousness
2. The Lord leading us in dealing with our enemies
3. The Lord leading us by making our path clear, straight, and without obstacles
4. The Lord leading us not to be led astray by unfaithful or wicked
B. The help of the Lord in our lives (vv. 10-11)
1. He helps them with their challenges (v. 10a)
2. He helps them with their adversaries (v. 10b)
3. He helps them with their joyfulness (v. 11)
C. The blessing of the Lord in our lives (v. 12)
1. God blesses those who are right with Him
2. God blesses those who are faithful to Him
3. God blesses those who worship Him in His holiness