Nov.13, 2024
TEXT: Matthew 4:1-11
- Introduction:
“Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. (v.1) (Matthew 3:13-17)
Following being identified as the Christ by John the Baptist
Following being inaugurated as the Son of God
Following being declared as the Messiah of God
I. Jesus was led by the Spirit to fast and prepare (vv. 1-2)
A. We need to learn to be led of the Spirit in our lives
B. We need to be filled with the Spirit when battling with Satan. (Acts 2:4, 2:2; Ephesians 5:18-21; John 15:11, 16:24; Ephesians 1:23, 3:19)
C. We need to fast to be ready to have victory in our lives
1. To bind the strong man of the house
2. To spoil the claim of the strong man in territories. (Matthew 12:25-30; II Corinthians 10:3-6)
II. Satan attacks us in legitimate things done illegitimately (vv. 3-10)
A. These were all things legitimate to Jesus
B. These were all things Jesus would gain in time legitimately
C. These were all things Satan could legitimately offer Jesus now by his own power
III. Our battles will be intermittent with Satan while we live on earth (v. 11); (Luke 4:13)
A. Our victory one day does not mean we won’t have a new battle another day
B. God will sustain us as we walk with Him and honor Him
C. God will meet our needs in ways to glorify Him if we wait on Him