Wed. PM. “Jesus’ Prayers This Week”

Text: John 17:1 – 18:11

  1. Jesus prays for God’s _________________.  John 17:1-8
    1. He prays for God the Father to be glorified through ______________
    2. He prays for God the Father to be glorified through His _________________
    3. He prays for the _____________ He had in eternity before He came to earth
      1. This speaks to the truth of the triune Godhead
      2. This speaks of the truth of the equal deity in the triune Godhead
      3. This speaks of the truth of the eternality of the Son with the Father as God
  2. Jesus prays for His ________________________.  John 17:9-26
    1. He prays for His followers and not those in the ______________ .
    2. He prays for His followers to be ___________________ while in the world
    3. He prays for His followers to _____________________ His joy in their lives
    4. He prays for His followers to be faithful _________________ to the lost
  3. Jesus prays for God’s _______________ to be done on earth.  John 18:1-11
    1. He  _______________ for God’s glory, for His followers, and for Himself
    2. He is practicing what He _______________ His followers to do.   Matthew 6:9-11; Matthew 26:36-44
      1. Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
      2. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven
      3. Give us this day our daily bread
    3. He willingly __________________ to the will of the Father.  Matthew 26:45-46
      1. The Father met His need     Luke 22:43-44
      2. He made Himself available to His enemies     John 18:4-8
      3. He showed grace to His adversaries     John 18:9-11