- God’s creation speaks clearly Psalm 19:1-6
- Speaks clearly about God’s glory
- Speaks clearly to everyone
- Speaks clearly in every place
- God’s Word changes our lives Psalm 19:7-11
- …in our soul
- …in our understanding
- …in the joy of our hear
- …in how we perceive things
- …in our rightness before God
- …in our eternal experience
- God’s Glory is us honors God Psalm 19:12-14
- God’s glory helps us to recognize our sinfulness
- Convicting us of our sinfulness
- Convincing us of our need of forgiveness
- Compelling us to repent of our sins & be cleansed
- God’s glory enables us to get right with Him
- By being cleansed of our sinfulness
- By being indwelt by His holiness in His Spirit
- By being filled with His righteousness to live righteously
- By being inhabited by His love to be loving to our fellowman
- God’s glory causes us to live in rhythm with God Psalm 19:13-14
- Restrains us from sinful choices
- Reinforces us to avoid sin’s bondage over us
- Renews us to live a more holy life in His holiness Ephesians 4:17-32
- God’s glory helps us to recognize our sinfulness
- God’s creation speaks clearly Psalm 19:1-6