WED: “Fearing the Lord Gives Us No Reason to Fear Anything Else”


  1. When you are being obedient to God, there is no need to fear     Luke 1:5-17
    1. He was a faithful child of God
    2. He was an obedient servant of God
    3. He was a respectable example to those he served
    4. He was faithfully fulfilling his service to God
    5. He was being blessed with joy & had nothing to fear
    6. He was being given a promise from God for him and his nation
    7. He learned that faith was not about seeing proof or signs    Luke 1:18-22
  2. When God is blessing you, there is no need to fear    Luke 1:26-31
    1. Mary did not need to fear because she was being honored by God
    2. Mary did not need to fear because she was chosen by God
    3. Mary did not need to fear because she would be the mother of Messiah
  3. Mary gave praise to God for His goodness & greatness    Luke 1:46-56
    1. She was praising God because she submitted to His Will
    2. She was making much of God because He blessed her greatly
    3. There is no need to fear when you receive God’s mercy
  4. When we respect God, we honor Him with confidence    Luke 1:63-80
    1. When Zacharias obeyed God in faith, he was blessed again     II Chronicles 7:12-15
    2. When God works mightily for one of His children it causes others to honor God
    3. When God’s children acknowledge God’s greatness, they can honor Him with no fear