- When you are being obedient to God, there is no need to fear Luke 1:5-17
- He was a faithful child of God
- He was an obedient servant of God
- He was a respectable example to those he served
- He was faithfully fulfilling his service to God
- He was being blessed with joy & had nothing to fear
- He was being given a promise from God for him and his nation
- He learned that faith was not about seeing proof or signs Luke 1:18-22
- When God is blessing you, there is no need to fear Luke 1:26-31
- Mary did not need to fear because she was being honored by God
- Mary did not need to fear because she was chosen by God
- Mary did not need to fear because she would be the mother of Messiah
- Mary gave praise to God for His goodness & greatness Luke 1:46-56
- She was praising God because she submitted to His Will
- She was making much of God because He blessed her greatly
- There is no need to fear when you receive God’s mercy
- When we respect God, we honor Him with confidence Luke 1:63-80
- When Zacharias obeyed God in faith, he was blessed again II Chronicles 7:12-15
- When God works mightily for one of His children it causes others to honor God
- When God’s children acknowledge God’s greatness, they can honor Him with no fear