TEXT: JOHN 2:13-22
- Jesus’ ministry on earth began much like it ended. John 2:13-17
- Both were in Jerusalem at the Passover
- He went for Passover both times
- He was the fulfillment of what Passover meant
- Deliverance from death
- Deliverance from bondage
- Deliverance into God’s promised life
- He was the fulfillment of what Passover meant
- He went to Jerusalem intentionally both times
- He went to have an impact on the manmade religion of the Jews
- He went for Passover both times
- Both had a scourge being used for cleansing. Isaiah 53:3-6
- Both were fulfillment of Old Testament prophesies
- The cleansing of the Temple was a fulfillment of prophecy
- He came to be the Lamb of God to pay for and take away the sins of man
- He also declared a prophecy about His own resurrection
- Both were in Jerusalem at the Passover
- Jesus was declaring the ending at the beginning. John 2:18-21
- He was declaring His purpose in coming to earth
- He was proclaiming His death in His physical body
- He was prophesying His resurrection from the dead
- He was confusing the religious lost with the truth of God.
- Jesus was declaring truth to those who believed. John 2:22
- God always fulfills HIs promises
- God’s Word is always true
- God’s Scriptures are trustworthy
- God the Son is the Living Word of God.