Bible Conference Prayer Meeting     April 24, 2024

Pray for the Lord to use this conference to build His churches.  Matthew 16:18-19
Pastors of churches that are coming
Church members of churches that are coming
Preachers that minister in churches that are coming
Our church through the meeting and our ministry in it

Pray for God to build the lives of His children that will be present.  Colossians 2:6-7; I Peter 2:2-5
That believers will be built up in their faith
That believers would grow in their faith
That believers would become stronger in their faith

That God would bless the preaching of His Word and use those who are preaching.  Nehemiah 2:20; Acts 20:32; Romans 15:20
That everyone would be attentive to the Holy Spirit speaking to their heart
That the Holy Spirit would use God’s Word preached to work in each heart and life
That each person would make the decisions God speaks to their heart about for His glory

That the Lord would use the conference to build families to His glory.  Proverbs 14:1; Psalm 127:1
Husbands and fathers to grow as godly men leading their families to God’s glory
Wives and mothers to grow as godly women to bless their families to God’s glory
Teens and children to grow as godly children to honor the Lord in their lives and families.

That God would motivate His children to do God’s will for their lives where they live.  Nehemiah 2:18
That they would be blessed to be a blessing to their church and community
That they would be encouraged to do the work of the ministry in their home church
That they would be burdened to help their church do God’s will in spreading the Gospel