Text: II Corinthians 5:1-21
- We know this life is temporal for us all
- We know this fleshly body will not last forever
- We know our bodies are falling apart
- We know the Holy Spirit is our guarantee of an eternal body
- We know we can have confidence in pleasing God
- By walking by faith while we are here on earth
- By desiring to be in the presence of the Lord
- By laboring with the Lord to Honor Him
- By pleasing the Lord preparing for our accountability to Him
- We know we have a greater purpose than living life
- We are persuaded to persuade others with truth
- We are motivated by Christ’s love to offer others life
- We are new in Christ to minister newness to others
- We are representatives for Christ to others on earth.
- Action Points:
- What needs to change in your temporal life to not prevent you from God’s eternal will for your life?
- Are you confident that you are pleasing God in the life you are living here on earth?
- How do you see that you are fulfilling God’s purpose for your life as His child on earth?