Text: I Corinthians 16:12-24
- Love one another, do not __________ with one another. Vs 12,13
- Paul & Apollos were not at ______ with each other. V 12a
- Apollos loved the Corinthians enough ____ to visit now. V 12b
- Paul was challenging the Corinthians speaking ____ in love V 13
- _____ with love for one another. Vs 14-19
- Choose to serve with _____ V 14
- Choose to obey God’s _____ in serving with love V 15
- Choose to ____ and ____ those who are dedicated to serving V 16
- Choose to serve by doing what is ________ Vs 17,18
- Supplying what is needed
- Encouraging with a willingness to serve
- True servants are worthy of genuine recognition
- Choose to be willing to use your _______ for God’s service. V 19
- Declare Biblical Love ______________ Vs 20-24
- Love for the Lord ___________ correct V 22
- Valuing God’s grace appropriately, not __________ it. V 23
- ___________ your love for others in Christ V 24