TEXT: JOHN 6:15-21
I. All things are best done in God’s time John 6:15
- Jesus knew the hearts and thoughts of the people
- Jesus knew they had their own agenda for Messiah
- Jesus knew this was not the will of the Father
II. Being in the will of God is always the best place to be John 6:16-17; Mark 6:45-49
- Storms can come even in the will of God for your life
- You can feel apart from God when you are in a storm
- God always knows everything about all of us
III. We are never too far away for God to meet our need John 6:18-21
- They were insufficient to handle the storm
- They were insecure in their circumstances
- They were comforted by their Saviour
- His presence brought confidence to them
- His power brought peace to their situation
- His purpose brought them faith