Preached 11 am December 6, 202011 at Summerville Baptist Church, Summerville, OR for publication at 6 PM
Text: I Peter 2:1-12
Introduction: The why & what of Christ coming in His mission
- So we can be delivered from our sins I Peter 2:1-3
- So we can have victory over sin’s power over us
- So we can have new birth from our sin’s death over us
- So we can have new life by God’s grace through faith in Christ
- He came to us so we can come to Him by faith I Peter 2:4-8
- He came as a living stone
- To be the cornerstone of the foundation of our faith
- To be a stumbling stone to us in our sin
- To be a rejected stone by those deceived by their choices
- He came to make us lively stones
- He came to make us acceptable to God
- He came as a living stone
- He came to make us able to live for God’s Glory I Peter 2:9-12
- As His holy people by faith in His Holy Son as our Saviour
- To become His people displaying His glory on earth Matthew 5:16; Ephesians 2:8-10
- To become His children because you were not His children
- Action Points:
- Have you allowed Christ’s mission to be fulfilled in your life by faith in Him?
- How are you growing in Christ’s mission being fulfilled in your life for God’s glory?
- How are you showing forth Christ’s mission being fulfilled in your life as you live?