TEXT: LUKE 2:22-38
All of the people in the Christmas narrative who experienced the satisfaction of the Light
of Christmas and shining that Light to others.
>Mary & Joseph
>The shepherds near Bethlehem
>The wisemen who traveled from the east
I. The satisfaction of faithfulness to the Lord vss. 22-27, 36-38
Mary & Joseph were faithful to God and His Word vss. 22-24
B. Simeon was faithful to God and His service vss. 25-27
C. Anna was faithful to God and His house of worship vss. 36-38
She was faithful to God in marriage and widowhood vs. 36-37a
She was faithful to God’s service and house daily vs. 37b
She was faithful to proclaim the truth about Jesus vs. 38
II. The satisfaction of faith in God’s promises vss. 26-33
Simeon trusted in the promise of God about sending Messiah vss. 26-27
Simeon acknowledged the promise of God fulfilled sending Messiah vss. 28-31
Simeon proclaimed the promise of God given unto all people vss. 31b-33
III. The satisfaction of faithfully declaring God’s Word vss. 34-35
Simeon declared the blessing of God’s Word to them about Jesus vs. 34a
Simeon declared the hope of God’s Word to them about Jesus vs. 34b
Simeon declared the conviction of God’s Word to them about Jesus vs. 35
Action Points:
>Are you finding satisfaction in your faithfulness to the Lord?
>What can you do this week to strengthen your faith in the promises of God?
>Who can you seek to declare God’s Word to this week? ________________________