- Introduction: Thankful for the I AM who STILL IS!
- I AM is always present tense Exodus 3:6
- I AM is self existing eternally Exodus 3:14
- I AM is eternally the God of the living Matthew 22:29-31
- I AM is who Jesus said He is still John 18:4-9
- I AM still is speaking to whoever will listen Genesis 1:1-5
- He is still calling people out of the world to Himself
- He is still calling people to follow Him in faith.
- He is still calling people into His service.
- He is still calling people to live in His protection & blessings.
- Thy shield.
- Thy exceeding great reward.
- I AM still is delivering those who will trust Him by faith. Genesis 1:6-7
- Redeeming those who will believe His Word to be true
- Redeeming those who trust Him in His own righteousness.
- Redeeming those who obey Him into His blessings.
- Redeeming those who will follow Him out of the bondage of the world
- I AM still is declaring to His people what He wants us to be. Genesis 1:8-18
- I am to be the servant of God because I belong to Him. Acts 27:23
- I am not to be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. Romans 1:16
- I am what I am by the grace of God. 1 Corinthians 15:10
- I am crucified with Christ, yet I live with Him eternally. Galatians 2:20
Conclusion: Revelation 22:11-21 is the last use of “I AM”.