Text: Psalm 1:1-6
“Be firm in faith, not frantic in fear”
- All Scripture is God’s Word Psalm 1:2,3
- Delight in the law of the Lord
- Meditate in the law of the Lord
- Planted in the law of the Lord Romans 7:21-25
- All Scripture is inspired by God Himself II Timothy 3:14-17
- All Scripture is given by God II Peter 1:16-21
- All Scripture is profitable to man
- To believe what is correct from God (doctrine)
- To convict us when we are wrong with God (reproof)
- To correct us to get right again with God
- To instruct us in staying right with God
- All Scripture is for perfecting us to meet our Creator
- Maturing us in our faith in God
- Equipping us in our ministry with God
- Approving us in our accountability to God – (preparing us for judgment in eternity)
- All Scripture is to be studied to help us be “approved of God” II Timothy 2:14-16
- To know what He wants us to know
- To believe how He wants us to believe
- To be what He wants us to be
- To live how He wants us to live
- To dwell eternally where He wants us to dwell Psalm 1:5,6
- The ungodly shall perish
- The righteous shall never perish Psalm 23:6; John 3:16; John 10:27-30
- Points to Ponder:
- Is your name written in the Book of Life? See Revelation 3:5; Revelation 20:12-15; Revelation 22:19
- What are you doing to root yourself in Christ & His Word?
- How are you studying God’s Word to be approved of Him?
- How are you letting God help you know Him in His Word?
- How are you helping others know god through His Word?