TEXT: JOHN 5:1-31
- Jesus put people & their needs before politics & perceptions John 5:1-9
- Jesus saw a man with a legitimate need
- Jesus engaged the man with compassion for him
- Jesus challenged the man to act in obedient faith
- Jesus addressed the spiritual needs of those He encountered John 5:9-16
- Jesus met this man’s physical need
- Jesus used this to open the door to address his spiritual need
- Jesus used this situation to address spiritual needs of others
- Jesus used this situation to declare His deity & mission John 5:17-31
- Jesus declared Himself as the Son of God the Father
- Jesus declares Himself as God’s source of eternal life to man
- Jesus declares Himself to be God’s judge of mankind
- Action Points:
- What do you need to change in your life to see the needs of those around you?
- How can you meet the need of someone this week to use as a way to share Jesus with them?
- To whom can you declare the truth of who Jesus is & what He has done for them?