TEXT:  JOHN 5:1-31

  1. Jesus put people & their needs before politics & perceptions     John 5:1-9
    1. Jesus saw a man with a legitimate need
    2. Jesus engaged the man with compassion for him
    3. Jesus challenged the man to act in obedient faith
  2. Jesus addressed the spiritual needs of those He encountered    John 5:9-16
    1. Jesus met this man’s physical need
    2. Jesus used this to open the door to address his spiritual need
    3. Jesus used this situation to address spiritual needs of others
  3. Jesus used this situation to declare His deity & mission    John 5:17-31
    1. Jesus declared Himself as the Son of God the Father
    2. Jesus declares Himself as God’s source of eternal life to man
    3. Jesus declares Himself to be God’s judge of mankind
  • Action Points:
    • What do you need to change in your life to see the needs of those around you?
    • How can you meet the need of someone this week to use as a way to share Jesus with them?
    • To whom can you declare the truth of who Jesus is & what He has done for them?