Text: Psalm 33:1-22
- Introduction:
- Abiding satisfied is in the context of the admonition to hear God’s counsel
- Abiding satisfied is connected to the counsel of the Lord that shall stand forever
- The phrase “the counsel of the Lord” is used 7 times in the King James Bible:
- Psalm 33:11; Jeremiah 23:18; II Timothy 3:16-17; Psalm 12:6-7; Isaiah 19:17; Jeremiah 49:20; 50:45
- We can be satisfied through the power of God by His Word Psalm 33:1-10
- The truth of God & His Word should produce true worship John 4:22-24
- The power of God & His Word ought to produce right living
- The power of God & His Word works to produce respect for God Hebrews 4:12-13
- We can be satisfied through the presence of God in His Word Psalm 33:11-12
- God & His Word are eternal
- God & His Word are available
- God & His Word are obtainable
- We can be satisfied through the perspective of God in His Word Psalm 33:13-22
- God sees all things about all people in all places
- God knows all things about all people in all places
- God is more than able to do whatever is needed for His children
- To bless them that honor Him
- To deliver them that trust in Him
- To help them that wait on Him
- To protect them that follow Him
- God deserves our all for all He does for us
- God deserves all of our respect “them that fear Him”
- God deserves all of our love & appreciation
- God deserves all of our faith