• Introduction:  The First Revival Work of God in History     Genesis 3:8-10
    • How things were in the beginning:
    • Their fellowship with God, with each other & with their environment was perfect
    • Their fellowship with satan messed everything up
  1. Adam & Eve began life walking right with God     Genesis 2
    1. God created them right with HIm
    2. God related with them in perfect fellowship
    3. We must be alive in order to need to be revived
      1. Salvation makes us alive spiritually
      2. Redemption makes us alive in Christ
      3. Justification makes us right with the Holy God of Heaven
      4. Revival gets us right again after we drift away
  2. Satan deceived them to ruin their walk with God    Genesis3:1-6
    1. Satan used the serpent to deceive Eve     John 8:44
    2. Satan used the serpent to steal from Eve what she had     John 10:9-11
    3. Satan will use any means possible to deceive any of us     2 Corinthians 11:3,14;  Revelation 12:9
  3. They foolishly tried to handle their sinfulness on their own        Genesis 3:7-19
    1. They tried to cover the effect of sin with their own efforts
    2. They tried to hide themselves from God their own way
    3. They tried to shift the blame of their choice onto another
    4. They could not avoid the judgment of God on their sin
  4. God revived them in their right fellowship with HIm        Genesis 3:20-24
    1. God presented healing to their relationship with each other
      1. Conviction – 2. Confession – 3. Cleansing
    2. God provided forgiveness for their relationship with HIm
      1. Always involves sacrifice of innocent –  2. shedding of blood – 3. faith in His provision – 4. obedience to His Word
    3. God protected them from themselves being further damaged