Dec. 8, 2024
TEXT: Luke 1:1-25
I. God verbally gave His Word to those who recorded it (vv. 1-11a)
A. God’s Word helps us with genuine faith (vv. 1-4)
1. The truth of God we should believe (v. 1; II Timothy 3:16-17)
2. The truth of God from eyewitnesses (v. 2; I John 1:1-4)
3. The truth of God to instruct us for confidence (vv. 3-4)
B. God’s Word helps us to live to God’s glory (vv. 5-7)
1. By helping us serve the Lord faithfully (v. 5)
2. By helping us live right with God (v. 6a)
3. By helping us live obediently to God (v. 6b)
4. By helping us honor God in disappointments (v. 7)
C. God’s Word comes to those who are faithful to Him (vv. 8-11)
1. God gave His message to His servant faithfully serving (v. 8)
2. God sent His messenger to His servant serving in His house (v. 9)
3. God sent His promise to His servant during prayer time (vv. 10-11a)
II. God speaks His Word to us as we are in communion with Him (vv. 11-17)
A. The angel Gabriel came to him with God’s message (vv. 11-12)
B. The angel Gabriel comforted him with God’s message (vv. 13-14)
C. The angel Gabriel communicated to him God’s message (vv. 15-17)
III. God gives us His Word to be believed not debated (vv. 18-25)
A. God’s Word should be believed for what it says (v. 18)
B. God’s Word condemns us when we rebel against it (vv. 19-20)
C. God’s Word is true and will be fulfilled by God (vv. 21-25; Luke 1:34; Mark 9:24)
IV. God always keeps His Word and fulfills His promises (vv. 57-80)
A. Elizabeth did give birth to a son named John (vv. 57-61)
B. Zacharias did speak again when John was born (vv. 62-66)
C. John fulfilled the purpose God created him to accomplish (vv. 67-80)
1. John’s father, Zacharias, was filled with God’s Spirit and spoke prophetically about his son and the ministry God created him to accomplish (v. 67)
2. John’s father, Zacharias, spoke a blessing of the Lord upon his son in praise to God for His blessings on their family (vv. 68-75)
3. John’s father, Zacharias, declared the message of God publicly that had been given to him privately (vv. 15-17, 76-79)
4. John lived up to the expectation God set for him and his father raised him to understand. vv. 76