Text: Genesis 4 and Hebrews 12
- Introduction:
- God is the original parent in that He was the One who created Adam and Eve
- God is the perfect parent of His children in His family in that He is Holy and sinless
- God wants parents to parent their children, which are His gifts to them, like He parents His children.
- Clear Instructions are to be given first
- Instruction about what is right and wrong
- God gave Adam instruction Gen 2:15-18
- I believe Adam & Eve gave instruction to Cain and Abel Gen 4:1-3
- God has given mankind the instruction of His Word Psalm 19
- Instruction about God and His Truth
- Instruction about themselves and their purpose in life
- Instruction about what is right and wrong
- Consistent accountability when disobeyed
- God held Adam & Eve accountable for their actions Gen 3:8-24
- God held Cain accountable for his attitude & actions Gen 4:5-15
- God holds us accountable for our actions and our attitudes
- Correction that is appropriate when needed Hebrews 12:3-17
- The goal of external correction is internal correction
- When we do not control ourselves, we are needing external controls
- The goal of Biblical correction is a change of heart, not just behaviour
- Action Points:
- Are you delaying needed repentance in your life until it may be too late?
- Are you guilty of rejecting God’s correction in your life that you need to benefit from?
- How has God revealed unbiblical parenting in your current plan that need to change?