Text: Jude 17-25
Introduction: The audience addressed Jude 17, 20 The Beloved
- >Believers in Jesus Christ as Saviour Jude 1-2
- >True recipients of the common Salvation Jude 3
- >Not fakes, false professors, and deceivers Jude 4-16
- >The true God knows the truth of us all and is the True Judge of us all
- A warning to be remembered Jude 17-19
- This warning is to the beloved in Jesus Jude 17a
- The warning is to remember God’s Word Jude 17b
- The warning is to beware of deceivers Jude 18-19
- A calling to fulfill Jude 20-23
- Building up yourselves in the faith Jude 20
- You help yourselves grow spiritually
- On your most holy faith
- Praying in the Holy Ghost Romans 8:26-27
- Keeping in the love of God Jude 21 Titus 2:11-15 I Thessalonians 4:13-18
- Making a difference with compassion, with fear Jude 22-23
- Building up yourselves in the faith Jude 20
- A God to Glorify Jude 24-25
- God keeps us in His family eternally I Peter 1:3-5
- God keeps us righteous in His Son, Jesus Christ Hebrews 12:2
- God is deserving of glory because of who He is Jude 25
- Action Points:
- >Are you sure you are a true believer in Jesus Christ by faith based on His Word?
- >Are you heeding God’s warnings about our current age of time?
- >Are you fulfilling your calling if you are a child of God?
- >Are you bringing God glory He deserves in your life?